Sophie Scott

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Mental Health Advice That Changed My Life

I hope it will help you too.


1.Remember You Are Not Broken And Do Not Need Fixing.

It's normal for your mood to fluctuate - and feel better on some days.

What I have found helpful is to have a toolkit of strategies in place such as meditation and movement to manage your mood on days when you need it most.  The more you can build these mood-lifting activities into your daily habits, the easier it will be to do when you need it. 

I will give you an example. I wanted to start a daily meditation practice. So for me the best time to embed this habit was to do a 10 minute meditation as soon as I wake up.  I do it in bed sitting up .. before the day gets underway and my mind starts to think about everything I want to do. I use the free insight timer app - You can find my meditations there or lots of other teachers. 

I encourage you to check it out and think about doing a meditation first thing in the morning for the next 7 days. I think it will make a substantial difference to how you feel.

2.Most People Are Not Thinking About You.

You might worry about what people think about you or feel people are judging you. But those people are usually in their own heads thinking about themselves and not you. 

It’s called the Spotlight effect. (Gilovich et al, 2000, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology)

How you feel about yourself is much more important. Having a healthy self esteem and not caring too much about what other people think is so important. How would you feel if you could act with curiosity not judgement. When things aren't going your way, reframe your response through a lens of curiosity. 

Step back and ask what can I learn from this?  What is it trying to teach me? And am I willing to listen?

3.You Can Sit With Uncomfortable Feelings.

Often, you might try to get rid of uncomfortable feelings like anxiety. But this only makes it worse. 

Tell yourself that you can sit with uncomfortable feelings and sensations. They will come and go quickly just like any other. Talking about problems isn't always the answer. Talk therapy can be powerful but so much of our response to what's happening occurs in your nervous system in your body. 

Learning to regulate your nervous system through mind-body practices means you can react and respond to daily challenges without being stuck in fight or flight mode. Keep your perspective. When you are in the middle of a difficult period, it can be helpful to think back to times in your life when you have overcome challenges. Ask yourself what strategies helped you then? Who did you lean on for support?


Remember - although it’s not always easy, change can help you grow.

What is the best mental health advice you have received?

If it’s of value, you can find more resources here Sophie's website or Sophie Scott TV or You can also watch my YouTube video HERE

Take care, Soph x